Light bulbs’ base come in a variety of sizes and shapes, depending on where you’re using them. In Malaysia, the standard light bulbs used includes the following:


Here is a bit of explanation before we go any further:
The E means the bulb has an Edison Screw while numbers 27 and 14 means the diameter of the bases are 27mm and 14mm respectively.

GU stands for Global Underground; 10 indicates that the base of the bulb is 10mm apart.

As for MR16, this is a special case here, MR means Multifaceted Reflector while 16 here means 16/8 inches instead of millimeter. So, the base for this kind of bulb is approximately 5mm apart.

1. E27

Edison screw (ES) with 27mm diameter base. It is widely used in ceilings, table lamps, wall lamps and floor lamps. When it comes to purchasing an Edison Screw bulb, you need to confirm the bulb holder’s size to prevent buying the wrong size.

2. E14

E14 bulb is a bulb with Small Edison Screw (SES) with a base diameter of 14mm. This kind of bulb is mainly used in table lamps and wall lamps.

3. GU10

GU10, sometimes also known as bi-pins, has pins that are 10mm apart. To install this bulb, you need to push and twist it to fit into the GU10 bulb holder. This kind of bulb is usually used for spot lights.

4. MR16

MR16 bulb is also a bi-pins bulb. The difference between this and GU10 is the distance between the two pins. MR16’s pins are 5.3mm apart instead of 10mm. You can also notice that the size and shape of the pins vary from GU10. You need to push a MR16 bulb to fit into the bulb holder when you are doing the installation. MR16 bulbs can be dimmable.